The world wide network for urban mobility
Hong Kong © Carlos Pardo

Cities for mobility

„Cities for Mobility“ is a network of municipalities, companies, research institutions and organizations from civil society that cooperate for developing, implementing and disseminating innovative policies and measures for sustainable urban mobility.

International Congress 2023

Solving the urban space puzzle (June 20)

After a 3-year COVID break, the Cities for Mobility Network reunited with a bang. In June 2023, around 200 international mobility experts and practitioners from around the world met in Stuttgart for the 10th time to exchange knowhow and discuss the topics critical to quality of life and the development of mobility in cities. 2023’s anniversary edition of the Cities for Mobility Congress focused on the increasingly critical competition for urban space.


Budapest tram © Carlos Pardo

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It’s a wrap: this was the 10th International Cities for Mobility Congress in Stuttgart

„Cities for Mobility“ is a network of municipalities, companies, research institutions and organizations from civil society that cooperate for developing, implementing and disseminating innovative policies and measures for sustainable urban mobility.

Cities for Mobility returned with a bang! 10th International Congress successfully took place in Stuttgart in June 2023

„Cities for Mobility“ is a network of municipalities, companies, research institutions and organizations from civil society that cooperate for developing, implementing and disseminating innovative policies and measures for sustainable urban mobility.


Happy cities session © Christian Hass

Making our cities more human-friendly and resilient

Stuttgart – the capital of the Federal State Baden-Württemberg – and its partners from the public and private sector, research and the civil society invite you to participate actively in the global network "Cities for Mobility". Members share their projects and experiences with the CfM community. Through the international congresses, regular news briefs and the Facebook site, the network gives them the opportunity to strengthen cooperation and to be informed about latest trends in sustainable urban mobility.


Cities and regions

Universities and research institutions

Non Governmental Organizations

© Cities for Mobility 2025