International Congress 2023

International Congress 2023

After a 3-year COVID break, the Cities for Mobility Network reunited with a bang. In June 2023, around 200 international mobility experts and practitioners from around the world met in Stuttgart for the 10th time to exchange knowhow and discuss the topics critical to quality of life and the development of mobility in cities. 2023’s anniversary edition of the Cities for Mobility Congress focused on the increasingly critical competition for urban space.

Solving the urban space puzzle

With countless different mobility modes competing for space (together with dozens of other city functions), finding a way to prioritize one over the other might very well be one of the key questions for cities. This is what the 2023 edition of the Congress was all about.

200 experts with a joint vision to create more liveable cities

The Cities for Mobility community is a peer-driven group of experts from around the world. The 2023 annual Congress, with its unique hands-on focus, offered a casual environment, and – with 200 participants – the perfect size for meaningful networking.

Congress program

The anniversary Congress edition featured a full-day program with a variety of inspiring speakers and engaging formats. You find the detailed program here.

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