Program 2023

International Congress 2023


10th International Congress – Solving the urban space puzzle

Congress Programme, Tuesday, June 20

8:30 - 9:30

Registration & Morning Coffee

9:30 - 10:00

Opening Session

Welcome mobility experts to the 10th edition of the International Cities for Mobility Congress in Stuttgart. Let’s kick-off the day with looking at this success story of international cooperation.

Moderator Nadja Glaeser | Director at Deloitte Sustainability & Climate | Hannover, Germany

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schuster | Former Mayor of Stuttgart | Stuttgart, Germany and Patrick Daude | Coordinator Cities for Mobility Congress | Stuttgart, Germany

10:00 - 11:20


You know it: there is just too little space for what we want to do in cities. And yes, everyone wants some – so competition is fierce. Let’s continue the day with two inspirational keynote speakers who will bring us closer to getting some ideas of how to solve the urban space puzzle.

Gil Peñalosa | CEO of 880 Cities & mayoral candidate | Toronto, Canada

Bronwen Thornton | CEO of Walk 21 Foundation | London, UK

11:20 - 11:50

Panel Discussion and Audience Q&A

We reflect on the input, pair it with our own experiences, and take the opportunity to talk and discuss with the speakers.

12:00 - 13:15


13:30 - 15:00

Parallel Breakout Sessions

1. Transformation for Real Managing Roads and Curbsides for a Better Distribution of Space

2. Working Together – New Forms of Collaboration Between Cities & Businesses

3. Making the Change Cities that Transformed Their Use of Space: Prioritizing Sustainable Modes of Transport

15:00 - 15:30

Coffee break & Networking

15:30 - 16:15

Hands-on expertise from the Breakout Sessions

Get your pens out: this session will summarize key learnings from the three breakout sessions that you can take home for the benefit of your city. But don’t be shy of asking questions or sharing your own experiences along the way.

16:15 - 17:15

Experience Energizer – Learning from Success & Failure

Let’s hear how cities from three continents have approached their mobility (space) transformation and what we can all learn from their experiences of doing so. This wrap-up session will provide you with some critical learnings to take home, even though they might come from cities in different environments with different legal frameworks and governance models. You’ll be surprised (and inspired).


#UF23 VIP Reception at Stuttgart City Hall

In the evening before kicking off the Urban Future 2023 Conference, join the Mayor of Stuttgart, fellow City for Mobility peers, and hundreds of #UF23 VIP guests at this reception at Stuttgart City Hall.

© Cities for Mobility 2025