News article


News from the Coordination Office

The Corona Pandemic forced us unfortunately to reduce our activities in the network. At the same time, the team of the Coordination Office took over other important duties within the Municipality of Stuttgart. As some of you may know, Cities for Mobility is coordinated by Stuttgart City Hall.

The Coordination Team is not only charge of running the network, the staff is also coordinating strategic mobility projects and their implementation in the municipality. There are many challenges nowadays in the fields of urban mobility that cities all over the world have to handle. We are starting now with a new format of our Newsletter, informing not only about interesting news from the network and from activities of local governments and other stakeholders. We will also use the opportunity to keep you informed on current programs, projects and measures that we are designing and implementing within the City of Stuttgart. We wish you all in these special days beautiful moments with your families. Hopefully you have the chance to be with them over the festive days. Stay healthy and hope to see you soon in Stuttgart at our next International Congress! Your Cities for Mobility coordination team

© Cities for Mobility 2025